Aren’t you glad you finally got the courage to call me for tranny phone sex fun? So many guys want to get a piece of my sweetness but get so stuck on labels that they don’t. But you finally admitted how much you crave my cock and wanted to beg me to let you suck it on our tranny phone sex calls. Nothing gets my cock harder than hearing you beg like the horny slut you are. You just hunger for my thick hot spunk to fill your mouth, don’t you? Of course, you do. It’s so creamy and delicious, isn’t it? I like to lick my own fingers clean after I explode all over them. Do you want me to be your tranny phone sex mistress? Only if you promise to say yes to everything I request. I’m not very good at taking no for an answer, so you really don’t have any choice but to do as I command.
Not if you want to be rewarded with a mouthful of my creamy sweet cum, or have your tight little ass ruined for hours with my thick hard cock. You would love being my personal cum slut, wouldn’t you? Just think of all the hot loads for you to guzzle. If you ask me nicely, I’ll let you be my new fuck toy. I’m so horny and hard right now, you are sure to get lucky! I think the only question is, which hole should I start with? I’m thinking my dick would look really good with your lips wrapped around it, and I’d really like to find out how good of a cock sucker you are my submissive fag boy. How about right now? Don’t keep me waiting for too long or I will have to punish you. Call me at 1-888-739-9350 so we can get to it and ask for Sapphire for tranny phone sex.