Guided Masturbation Phone Sex with Hannah

Guided masturbation phone sex is something I love doing. It’s sensual and erotic. And, since I have a cock, too, I can guide much better than a bio girl. I have all the right parts to give you one hell of a good experience. How would I guide you to orgasm, you may want to know. Well, let me tell you all about it. Let me tell you how I want you to stroke your cock for me. And, just so you know, I’ll be stroking mine the exact same way. So, I’ll really be guiding both of us together.

Guided Masturbation Phone Sex

Let’s start with simply rubbing the head with the thumb. Make circular motions while you grip your shaft with the rest of the hand. Squeeze ever so slightly with your gingers while you gently work your head over. It’s making my cock get hard just thinking about touching it, especially with you on the other end of the line. Now, lube up that cock if you can or like to. For me, personally, I love using some kind of lube because it makes it wetter, slicker, and so much more enjoyable. But, everyone is different.

With or without lube, regardless, start stroking from the very base up to the head. Make them slow and long strokes. Each time you come down to the base, use those fingers to brush up against your balls. Then, when you come up, use your thumb to caress your head. We’re going to start off nice and slow but we’ll build up some speed, don’t you worry. It’ll be incremental speed that’ll feel so good. Before long, you’ll be gripping that cock so tight and your hand will be a blurr.

So, if you want to jack off together, give me a call for some guided masturbation phone sex. I want to jerk it with you. 1 888 739 9350 and ask for Hannah.

Guided Masturbation Phone Sex with Toni

I might be a woman, but I know exactly how to stroke a cock – after all, I’ve been doing it for years. I also know how to be in control and not just masturbate super fast so that I cum really quickly. If you ever want to please a woman with your cock, you’re going to need to have a little bit of stamina. You don’t have it now, but don’t worry. I can most certainly help you with that. You just need to agree to surrender and let me control your cock. I’ll tell you exactly how to stroke it and guided masturbation phone sex with me is going to be one of the best experiences of your entire life.

guided masturbation phone sex

Listen, I’m not doing this for any other reason than to help you. You have to understand how to control your cock and orgasm in order to make the woman (or women) in your life happy. The longer you last, the more orgasms she will have, and the happier she’s going to want to make you. If you don’t make a woman cum, she’s not going to want to fuck you at all. That’s why your wife or girlfriend never wants to have sex with you. If you could please her, she would do the nasty with you all the time. But I bet you haven’t made her cum in quite a long time, if ever. I don’t want your relationship to end because you don’t know how to please her. Let me help you. You’ll learn control AND have a really fun fucking time with me every time you call me. It’s going to take more than one guided masturbation phone sex session, but don’t worry – we’ll get it all straightened out.

Call me now for your introductory guided masturbation phone sex session at 1 877 903 TRAN and ask for Toni!

Sexy Shemale Phone Sex